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  • biuroolbay

Advantages of the healthy climate in your office

The healthy climate in the work place is essential to your health and success in business. You can achieve both by investing in installation of an air conditioning system. Modern air conditioners can do a lot to keep you fully happy at your work place especially in office where you spend many hours of your life. Below you can find some of the main benefits:

Possibility to influence the room temperature

The air conditioning system  allows you to have a comfortable working environment. It gives you ability to control the room temperature in accordance with always changing outdoor temperature. It may chill the atmosphere in the office during hot weather or warm it up when it’s cold outside. An air conditioning systems can respond immediately  to changes in temperature and stabilise the atmosphere in the office. Some VRF and VRV systems can even recover heat from warm areas and transfer it to cooler areas, therefore they are able to maintain constant temperature.

Energy saving

Nowadays office air conditioning systems are energy efficient. Office air conditioning systems replacing traditional heating systems which are incomparable in the energy efficiency and user comfort.  For large office spaces with multiple levels and individual areas the VRF or VRV air conditioning system is the best choice. When office size decreases a multi-split air conditioning system will do the job by heating and cooling at a variable mode allowing you to keep the temperature in desired level and low cost.


The causes of high room humidity are basically its poor ventilation, daily activity in it and outdoor climate. Increased humidity can make the atmosphere in the office hotter and oppressive. High humidity can also lead to mould and mildew forming, which can lead to potential respiratory problems. Relative air humidity in a room should be between 40 and 60%. When humidity drops too low it can cause throat irritation due to dry air. Decent air conditioning system helps maintain a comfortable humidity level within an office.

Clean air

The quality of the air in an office can be improved when air conditioning systems are properly selected, installed and maintained. The built in filters are filtering dust and allergens and other particulates as well as reducing odours. This can help to keep your respiratory system in well condition.


Compared to having individual personal fans and . Modern office air conditioning systems are very quiet. Even when they are working to full capacity the noise is restricted to a minimum. Basically all of them have a wide range of controlling noise emission by means of remote controllers.

Keeping office  equipment at the proper condition

The life and desired operation of all computers  depends of an environment where they used to work. All of them hate high humidity and needs to be cooled during operation.  An air conditioning system  can help to maintain the office atmosphere in proper condition so that the equipment work safely and efficiently.


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