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Scope of services

Our company has a comprehensive offer regarding assembly and service works such as:

  • Heat pumps

  • Air conditioning

  • Photovoltaics

  • Catering refrigeration

  • Assistance with funding

Heat pump


Selecting the right device.

How to choose the right heat pump that will be an optimal investment for you and will fully satisfy your needs
Your requirements. Trust us and you won't be disappointed.

The Olbay company will professionally perform its task and select the most optimal solution for you, in terms of durability,
failure-free devices and low operating costs.

Take a moment and fill out the HEAT PUMPS SELECTION FORM and we will send you a commercial offer.

Technicy paneli słonecznych


1. Sign a contract for the installation of a heat pump in your home from our offer.

2. Receive a PLN 500 voucher - after signing the contract, you will receive a PLN 500 voucher from us, which
you can use any of our assembly services above PLN 8,000, including assembly
photovoltaic modules, energy storage.

3. Redeem the voucher - the voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of signing the contract. You can use it
You can also pass it on to a friend or family member so that they can also benefit from our offer.

Financial savings

Heat pumps from our selected manufacturers enable us to reduce the costs of heating a building
even by 60%. The devices we offer are failure-free and economical in operation. They are
on the ZUM list, which proves that they have all the required certificates for their energy efficiency and


In the case of other heat sources such as solid, liquid or gas fuel stoves, there is a risk of fire,
explosion or carbon monoxide poisoning. By choosing heat pumps we avoid such risks and are provided with
sense of security

Komfort użytkowania

Heat pumps are completely maintenance-free, clean and aesthetic devices. They do not require refilling.
fuel and troublesome cleaning.

Environmental protection

Heat pumps do not emit exhaust fumes and do not deteriorate air quality. When choosing these devices, do not
you emit harmful chemical compounds for our climate and thus improve your
living environment.

Cassette ceiling air conditioner


Installation of room air conditioning

Modern air conditioners create comfortable conditions for staying in closed rooms.
Thanks to their installation, we can cool, heat, humidify and clean the surroundings from pollution.

Olbay guarantees comprehensive services in the field of consulting, assembly and purchase of equipment
for home air conditioning. We offer the highest quality air conditioners from manufacturers such as

Mitsubishi, Daikin, Panasonic and more affordable Haier and Midea . Our installation process is carried out in accordance with strictly observed standards and principles of refrigeration equipment installation.

We use only the highest quality refrigeration pipes, insulation materials and associated equipment such as:
condensate pumps or hangers.


Installation of a photovoltaic installation.

When deciding to install a heat pump, it is worth considering photovoltaic panels with an energy storage, which will completely complement your system with an infinite source of cheap electricity.

Olbay is a guarantee of good selection and installation of a photovoltaic installation. Additionally, when signing a contract for the installation of a heat pump, we offer an additional promotion for a photovoltaic installation .

Photovoltaic installation on the roof
Gastronomic cold store


Savings for your business!

Cold rooms for gastronomy are a key element of equipment for gastronomic establishments, such as restaurants, bars or canteens. In our offer you will find a wide selection of cold rooms, which allow for safe storage of food products. Modern cold rooms are extremely functional and adapted to the needs of the gastronomy industry.


Guaranteed assistance in obtaining subsidies

Everyone will receive comprehensive information from us regarding costs and subsidies.

Contact us by phone or via our contact form. For us, there are no stupid questions,
we will answer all your inquiries.

Assistance with financing



If you have any doubts, questions, suggestions or wish to obtain other important information, please contact our customer service department.

Office Location

83-000 Pruszcz Gdanski

ul. Andrzeja Frycz Modrzewskiego 2D

Tel: 602-500-689

Formularz kontaktowy

I'm interested...

If you are interested in our services, please fill out the contact form and our representative will contact you to obtain more information and then prepare an appropriate quote.

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